**Warning Big Sal Paranormal is not responsible for any traumatizing, dangerous, or deadly things that can happen to you when hunting for Ghosts, Demons, or any Paranormal Entities. It is to be taken very seriously and never do Investigations alone or in a place where it is not safe to be. Always be respectful of the living, non living, and paranormal**

Getting started

It does not matter how much money you have to get started into your paranormal research. There are many tools you can use to capture evidence from any location. 

How Big do you want to go?

When I first started doing paranormal investigations I had a voice recorder that was built into my phone. That was the only tool I had and I went out to haunted locations and captured a ton of paranormal evidence. I now have thousands of dollars worth of equipment and am constantly on the lookout for new ways of capturing paranormal evidence. But it took me years to get to this point. Whenever I would get extra money saved up I would buy another piece of equipment to try. Some things I have bought were terrible and others were amazing.I will try and help sort out the best equipment for you to get and you can start building your own Ghost Hunting Kit!

Ghost Hunting Gear

My major ghost hunting gear

P-SB7 Spirit Box ITC Research Device

This device is used to communicate with ghosts, spirits, and paranormal entities by allowing those beings to manipulate sounds the box is making into words to talk to you. The box scans through radio stations very fast to make a sound that is similar to white noise. It is similar to an Ouija Board in theory (but in my opinion is much safer to use compared to an Ouija board.). You ask questions and whatever paranormal entity is there will hopefully communicate with you and answer your questions.

  • Why I use It- I bought the spirit box after seeing it on many popular ghost hunting shows. I bought it because I wanted to prove it was wrong or fake. It seemed to be to crazy of an idea that a ghost or paranormal entity could communicate through a modified radio. After many personal tests and experiences I have had with the spirit box I can tell you it is real and I have had amazing things happen with it!
  • Alternative uses- When not scanning stations for the paranormal you can use it as a portable radio. Just be warned communication with the paranormal can happen when you are not looking for it. There have been several times I have used it as a radio and disembodied voices came through the stations and started trying to communicate.
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